Inter Library Loan Policy
· Patrons can request an Interlibrary Loan Form from one of the Circulation desks.
· Only print books can be requested. We will not interlibrary loan audiobooks or DVDs.
· The patron will fill out the following information on the form:
o name
o library card number
o address
o telephone number
o title of book requested
o author
· The rest of the form will be filled out by the library staff and the information will be used to request the book through the New Mexico State Library Interlibrary Loan System ILLIAD.
· It takes about two weeks to receive a book, depending on where the book is being sent from.
· Library staff will notify you when your book has arrived.
· Depending on the loaning library, check-out periods will vary from 1 week to 3 weeks.
· Requests for loan period extensions must be requested a week before the book is due.
· Patrons need to ensure that loaned items are returned on time, or patron’s interlibrary loan privileges may be suspended.